We have been offering camps in North Carolina since 1995. The camps began as an idea to bring professional soccer coaching of the highest caliber to young soccer players in America each summer. Impressed with the growing enthusiasm for soccer, the Steedmans, founders of Strikers, brought the outdoor small sided soccer center concept to this area. Strikers Soccer Center opened in late 2000 enabling more playing & developmental opportunities. Our Summer Camps are available in June, July and August.
Our camps promote the following:
- 4-5 yr. - Kids introduced to the fun of soccer. Simple early touches and fun games.
- 6-11 yr. - For the player who is determined to improve their skills. A more intense program for development of skills and movement.
- 12-18 yr. - Focus on technical and tactical awareness, fitness, speed and perception.
Camps are either FULL or HALF days.
- FULL DAY camps run 9 am to 5 pm with an early drop off of 8:30 am. You must make sure your child brings snacks and lunch with them. Your child has to be 6 years old and older.
- HALF DAY camps run 9 am to 12 pm with an early drop off of 8:30 am. Make sure your child brings a few snacks with them. Your child has to be 4 years old or older.
NO Full refunds will be given once signed up
We offer the following camps during the Summer: