Children should not be burdened with tactics. However, the skilled coach can promote, in a discreet fashion, the following points:
- Play with head up
- Go forward when possible, either dribbling or passing
- Shoot at every realistic opportunity
- Be available for a pass by losing opponents with quick changes of speed and direction
- Avoid clumsy tackles
Small sided games have their origins in traditional street soccer. These very competitive games, organized by the children themselves, were motivated by a love of the game and a desire to experiment with skills and tricks. Children should play soccer for the pleasure it can bring. Today the excesses of cups and medals bring added pressure to win. An over emphasis on winning can reduce the joy to be gained from taking part. It is in this context that adults have a very significant role to play.
Parents SHOULD:
- Give positive feedback
- Be patient
- Ensure evenly matched games
- Emphasize good behavior
- Be supportive of good play from both teams
Parents MUST NOT:
- Shout abuse
- Emphasize results
- Use technical terms